Heavy Duty Marketing & Sales Forum
The Heavy Duty Marketing and Sales Forum (HDMSF) is a council comprised of sales and marketing executives of Original Equipment and Aftermarket Heavy-Duty (OE HD and Aftermarket HD) supplier member companies.
HDMSF provides a forum for sales and marketing executives to network with industry peers, discuss the latest business technologies, and gain insights into key market trends, forecasts and customer perspectives. HDMSF meetings provide access to a unique array of guest speakers including executives from key OEMs and Fleets, and a variety of industry and technology experts.
HDMSF holds two in-person meetings annually, at various locations throughout the U.S. Members may also participate in conference calls and webcasts as necessary.
Membership Benefits
Networking groups rank as one of the greatest benefits of MEMA membership.
- Recurring meetings provide a regular opportunity to discuss issues of common concern with other executives in similar roles.
- Members gain confidence and clarity and the support they need to be successful in the long term.
- Meetings build powerful community — featuring timely topics, relevant issues, and real conversations with other executives.
- Members learn best practices from their peers through open roundtable discussions and council surveys.
- Surveys are generated at the request of members on topics that directly affect their roles and responsibilities.
- Membership is available to sales and marketing executives of OE HD and Aftermarket HD supplier member companies.
- Meetings of HDMSF are closed to non-council members.
- Membership is capped at 55 MEMA member company executives.
A list of current council members
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