Terry O'Reilly
Terry O'Reilly is the President and CEO of Pricedex Software Inc., a long-time MEMA (AASA) partner and Canadian software company serving the global automotive and commercial vehicle aftermarkets with best-of-breed enterprise Part, Pricing and Product Information management systems.
Terry is a respected veteran of international commerce and industry. Terry has over 40 years of progressive private-sector management experience, with emphasis in operations leadership, and with special focus on financial and team management, spanning the Hi-Tech, Public Service, Property Development and Manufacturing sectors.
Terry has been a regular participant, thought-leader, and contributor to the former Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA) and its Technology Committee; the Auto Care Association’s Technology Solutions Committee and its Education Committee, and also in the commercial vehicle sector, with the former Heavy Duty Manufacturers’ Association (HDMA), and now the MEMA Aftermarket, the HDDA, and the Technology Maintenance Council (TMC) of the American Trucking Associations.
A committed activist for common good in the industry, Terry previously served for over 12 years on the Board and Executive Committee of the Automotive Aftermarket Charitable Foundation (AACF), 10 of those years as Corporate Secretary. Having recently resigned from the AACF Board, Terry continues to be a strong supporter and personal ambassador for the industry’s Charitable Foundation.