CoRE ReThink Tank
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The Council of Remanufacturing Excellence (CoRE) has established a working group, known as the ReThink Tank, to address industry challenges through innovative solutions and insights. Led by members of the executive committee, the ReThink Tank is working on a historical timeline of the vehicle component remanufacturing industry. This serves as a vital industry record that can be used to promote the value of remanufactured products.
To participate or contribute, contact Sara Kaderly.
ReThink Tank Leaders

Matthew Black
Company name: Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems
Title: Product Line Manager - Remanufacturing, Core Products

Brad Moss
Company name: DieselCore
Title: Director of Technology, Research & Development

Patrick Muldoon
Company name: Hilco Global
Title: Managing Director

Sue Williams
Company name: Endural, LLC
Title: Vice President, Sales & Marketing